cameron algie improv

Improv for The Marilyn Denis Show

What happens when you email your anxiety class students and ask them to be on national TV, playing silly games, in the middle of a workday, on two days’ notice? Well, if they’ve done improv, apparently they say “Yes!” “And… “ they’ll even be interviewed!

I’m always a little nervous about being on TV, but it helps to have a supportive group of friends playing silly games and laughing behind you.

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Holiday Edition!

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Holiday Edition!

Ho, ho, hope these help make this time of year a little more fun. This post is a bit different in that it’s not exactly ways to play, but how to play in those somewhat stressful holiday situations where you might not be playing.

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Part 31-40

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Part 31-40

Despite how little many of us feel like playing right now with everything going on in the world, here’s some forced positivity in the next instalment of ways to play. Enjoy!

Fuck coping.

During a recent TV interview about improv helping with anxiety, the reporter asked/told me, “But you’re not saying this is a cure, it’s just another thing you can do as therapy. It’s a way to cope.”

I hate the word cope. Coping. Barf.

The disappointing follow-up to The Office.

Positive Thinking: Cameron, post this and you might help people. Or get a million likes. Or hits. Or whatever happens in blog world to let you know you’re worth something.

Realistic Expectation: Cameron, probably very few people will read this, and chances are you’ve said this stuff before and it’s not that helpful. And you smell.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 7: Accepting myself as I am right now.

When we last left off, Cameron had just taken several flights to face his fears. He decided he was finally strong enough to live with and accept himself. And now the exciting conclusion!

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 6: Facing Fear.

After I cracked my head open, I decided it was time to change. Head crackings will do that. Good motivators.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 5: Improv!

I loved improv the first time I saw it. It never occurred to me that I could ever do it, and if it did occur to me, I was terrified by the idea. But I loved what I saw.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 4: Self-Help.

These, as Sally would say, are the dark days. I was at my weakest, both physically and emotionally, and to add to the fun, was expected to start flying to the States for business. Essentially, each flight was a deadline to get “better,” which put even more pressure on me. There’s no quicker way to spiral downward than to wake up every morning and see yourself as a problem that needs fixing.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 3: Meditation.

Ugh, a whole post on meditation. Might skip this one. Chances are, if you’re anxious, you don’t like the idea of meditation. Being alone with my thoughts? No thank you. I spend all day trying to drown them out. The constant, incessant thoughts are what I hate, and what I’m hoping you’ll eventually (Part 18?) tell me how to stop.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 2: Seeing A Therapist.

It might surprise you how many of your friends are seeing a therapist. Here’s a hint: more than you think. Another thing you can bond with them about. Yay a way to make friends!

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 1: Deciding to Change.

People often ask me, “Cameron, how did you get over your anxiety?” And I laugh and say, “Who’s Cameron?” then float away on a beam of light. But that doesn’t seem to help. So now I’ll answer the question. In several parts. This is Part One.