Couldn't do a list of ways to play without checking in with the experts. They make it look so natural.
100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Holiday Edition!
100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Part 31-40
100 Ways to Play! (in the Real World) – Part 21-30.
100 Ways to Play! (in the Real World) - Part 11-20.
100 ways to play! (in the Real World) - Part 1-10
The Happiness Formula
Sens on Power Play
“Hockey’s a game and sometimes you just have to go play. Have a little fun with it and chase the puck and do things. We did that and I think our speed showed up. I think some talent showed up and we made some plays and fortunately for us, we won the hockey game. But I think that’s what I would like to see our team be – our players have to have some fun. It’s a game. We have to have some fun playing the game.”
- Bryan Murray, General Manager of a PROFESSIONAL hockey team