If you're scared of improv, this is the show for you!
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month, we'll do an improv playshop and show based on the theme of anxiety.
PLAYSHOP: Come at 7 and try out some improv exercises designed to help with anxiety. You'll be with a group of fun, nervous who also kinda don't wanna be there, but kinda do. You’ll laugh and play together. It’ll be fun. Surprisingly fun, considering how scary improv sounds.
SHOW: Then at 8, watch a hilarious improv show!
First up, some fun scenes with a mix of improv veterans, and newbies testing the stage for the first time. (Totally optional, of course, you for sure don’t have to.)
Then, each month we have a special guest speaker to tell tales of anxiety, and an all-star cast of improvisers turn those stories into hilarious comedy.
It’s a pay what you can show (workshop is free!) and all after-cost proceeds go to charity. Each month supports a new mental health charity.
It’s an anxiety-based show, so you won’t be singled out or asked to perform. Just sit back (in the back if you want) and enjoy the show.
Jan 15
Feb 19, raised money for The Bridge Prison Ministry
Mar 19, raised money for CAMH
Apr 16, raised money for Women’s Health in Women’s Hands
May 21, raised money for the Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Jun 18, raised money for Sheena’s Place
Jul 16, raised money for the Family Navigation Project at Sunnybrook
Aug 20, raised money for the Gerstein Crisis Centre
Sep 17, show postponed
Oct 15, raised money for CAMH (bought blankets for Women’s Inpatient Unit)
Nov 19, raised money for Stella’s Place
Dec 17, raised money for Jack.org
Come out and have a laugh (in the face of fear)!
Hope to see you there <3